Random Thoughts, Tulip Pairings

Twist & Out
A favorite quote from a Midsummer Night's Dream -- "Lord, what fools these mortals be." Happy belated 448th (maybe) birthday to William Shakespeare.  I acquired that little factoid from Bing, via Twitter.  Although, upon digging deeper, it's not 100% sure he was really born on this day.  So there you have it -- our modern world in a nutshell.  Some 30 years ago, if I'd read that yesterday was the Bard's birthday (in 140 characters or less), I would have taken at face value.  In this day and age, I feel compelled to fact check just to be sure.  Technology -- how can it be at once time-saving (easy access to information) and time wasting?

......this just in, I  am earning about $1.21/quarter for Facebook -- that's according to papers filed today.   That's up from 2007 when I would have been worth $.30.  I guess I need to get cracking on helping Facebook to make money.  I'm going to sign up for that online degree program, go see a man about my broken thyroid (at least Facebook thinks it's broken), buy some Dansko clogs and a Lincoln, and start watching Mehmet Oz.  I'm not complaining that the ads are so poorly targeted - in the long run, that saves me money!   Plus, it's a little eerie when advertisements start getting targeted to you.  Back in January, I experienced a whole month of North Face advertisements because of really good targeting on google.  Ads were popping up everywhere -- including in my email inbox.  So, at the risk of seeing my value to Facebook NOT rise, I am hoping that they don't get any more adept at targeting ads to me.  

And, finally, on the subject of April showers bringing May flowers in 2012?  Although not as damaging to the trees as the freak October snowstorm of 2011, I fear that last night's storm and today's cold wreaked serious havoc on the gardens of Central Park.  For sure, the crabapples are completely done in and I would not be surprised to find many tulips stripped bare come Saturday.  Which is too bad, because one of my favorite phenomena is the way in which tulips shed their petals.  They peel down, curl up in the most unusual ways, and then drop.  It's all achingly beautiful.

.....goodbye sweet tulips.....until we meet again.
