Bethesda Terrace :: Empty Spaces 9

OK, not technically an empty space but if you've ever been around Bethesda Terrace (the main architectural feature of Central Park) on a sunny day you'll understand how empty it felt to this New Yorker out for a rainy day walk in Central Park on the eve of the NYC marathon (this series of posts  starts with Gapstow Bridge and follows me north on a rainy day walk through Central Park).

The Arcade

Bethesda arcade, #bethesdaarcade #centralpark #mintontileceiling 2014
Bethesda Arcade
The Minton Tile Ceiling in the Bethesda Terrace Arcade is a must see for anyone visiting the park.  Most (as evidenced by the picture above) are more fascinated with the fountain that lies beyond the arcade.   On a rainy day, it was nice to pause in the arcade, swap out my lenses, and take shelter from the rain.  The lights were lit so the ceiling made for a particularly warm glow against the gray day outside.

Minton Tile Ceiling, #bethesdaarcade #centralpark #mintontileceiling 2014
Minton Tile Ceiling

The Fountain

I have yet to take a picture of the Bethesda Terrace Foundation that I think does it justice.  My rainy day jaunt was no different.  It's kind of like the Brooklyn Bridge -- so iconic and so often photographed that it's hard to figure out how to show a different side.  So I zoom in on the details and hope that someday I'll figure out an original angle on the whole thing.

Bethesda Cherubs, #bethesdacherubs #centralpark #bethesdafountain #fountain 2014
Bethesda Cherubs
There was something about the way the water was blowing in the wind that that drew my eye to the cherubs that support the Angels of the Water.  They are but supporting players and oft overlooked behind the veil of water that is usually their curtain.

Bethesda Cherub, #bethesdacherub #centralpark #bethesdafountain #fountain 2014
Bethesda Cherub

The Water Plants

Water Lilies, #waterlilies #centralpark #bethesdafountain #waterplants 2014
Water Lilies - Bethesda Fountain
I fell in love with photography on a rainy November day in Central Park in 2008 and it was a photo of a water lily that marked that singular moment when one finds one's passion. Photography led to blogging -- reuniting me with writing for the sake of writing as opposed to writing as a means to an end.  I always think of that day, that moment when i visit Bethesda Fountain and no more so than on another November rainy day walk in Central Park.

Soon the fountain will be drained and the plants nothing but a memory to be treasured until spring rolls around again next year.

Blowing in the Wind, #blowinginthewind #centralpark #bethesdafountain #waterplants 2014
Blowing in the Wind
