For Rita and Jackie. Every once and a while, I can pinpoint what I know to be true to a moment in time. This is the tale of one of those moments. My first memory of WWII is of a book in our living room that described a German POW camp. There it sat with my parent's wedding album, the family Bible, and other assorted flotsam and jetsom that collects on coffee tables and side tables in living rooms across the countr y. Spiral bound with a leather cover it is likely the first thing that I read about WWII. It had line illustrations of the camp and us kids knew that our father had been in one of those camps after being shot down over Germany during WWII. He never really talked about that time -- we knew this because we had the book. I read that book in the hope that I would learn more about him from its pages. And I did. So there was the beginning of an understanding of World War II. The real life version of "Hogan's Heros" and life was not so pretty...