Life Doesn’t Get Better than This. Or Does It?
Delicate Purple I am somewhere over the continental United States heading towards Hawaii on vacation. I’ve been traveling since 6:00 am this morning (EDT) and it’s 4:07 EDT. I have been doing some work writing and so am wondering if a day spent on a plan primarily doing work really counts as a vacation day. Truth be told, planes are one of the few places these days where I find the peace and quiet I need to write – maybe I should fly to Hawaii more often. Around me, people are sleeping peacefully in – I guess – something of a mid-day nap since it’s probably about that time in Hawaii . Four hours to go on this flight and then the joy of being in paradise for the next two weeks. Life doesn’t get better then this. Or does it? Recently, as I sat with two friends that I respect very much, the conversation turned away from work and towards the meaning of that work and what one may be giving up to do it. As my younger friend remarked, “when...