From Behind: Third Prize Photo
Walking in a Winter Wonderland So, I entered another photo contest -- admittedly without as much fervor as the #BGwindows contest I won in 2012 where I must have entered about 50 photos ( Wow! ). As followers of this blog know, I am a tad obsessed with the #BGwindows although I am still waiting for David Hoey and team to recognize that there is, in fact, a place between Youth and Scattered Ashes . Sigh, maybe next May. Back to the photo contest. I entered the Grantmakers in Aging (GIA) Friendly Faces, Friendly Places photo contest and took home third prize in the Parks & Neighborhoods category for the photo above (a variation can be found in Walking. Function. Geriatrics. ). I'm going to continue on this quest to capture people from behind. I like the combination of mystery (who is that person? where is she (or he) going? where has he (she) been?) and revelation (how someone walks, the shape of her (his) body, the way he (she) hold her (him)...