
Showing posts from August, 2014

Blowing Bubbles :: Street Performers

Blowing Bubbles I was early into the park a month or so ago.   It was a cloudy day and so perfect for capturing this young woman making magic with her bubble wands. More photos at:   Blowing Bubbles

The Doors of Cartagena

Cartagena Street After a very long walk on Saturday (8 miles -- half marathon here I come), I spent yesterday trying to catch up on editing vacation photos (fun) and getting rid of paper (necessary).   I am slowly working my way through photos from my Panama Canal cruise on #HollandAmerica last winter and working my way UP to tackling the actual photos from the oh so short Panama Canal portion of the cruise.  Of course, because I am behind in editing the photos, I am behind on blogging about my adventures aboard #HollandAmerica (aka #HALcruises).  I posted a couple of posts from the ship ( Cruise Ship Dos and Cruise Ship Don'ts , Aruba, or Last One on the Bus Again ) but the connectivity was so bad that I stopped trying to do that pretty quickly. All of this is a rather long-winded preamble to the point of this post which is to introduce you to the beautiful doors of Cartagena, Columbia.  As an aside, some day I intend to be able to spell Cartagena perf...