Day 11: 31 Days of Holiday Windows

At the Holiday Ball, Lord & Taylor 2013 Holiday Windows, NYC
At the Holiday Ball
I was not intending to return to the Lord & Taylor (L&T) windows quite so soon (see Day 8) but Google+ threw me for a loop just now with a little feature that they call "auto awesome".  It added a bit of a twinkle to one of my photos.  Well, it actually added twinkle to five of my photos but this is the most ostentatious of the five and so I share it above in its original and below in its "twinkle" forms.

It pained me to find out that in addition to "auto awesome", Google has also seen fit to implement "auto enhance".  Of course this just demonstrates that I don't pay enough attention to things since they did this conversion back in May 2013 (so I'm only 6 or so months behind).  This is a "Jeez Google" moment for me.  Since I'm paying for storage, it's a bit like dropping off a blue couch and coming back to my storage unit a month or so later and finding a rose-colored one!  On the one hand, I can appreciate that the Google people are just trying to make their platform a little more helpful for us users.  Perhaps consulting with us before doing so might have been a good idea?

As for "auto awesome -- the results are interesting, to say the least.  And, a small warning, looking at the twinkling one for too long can be a bit like spending a lot of time looking up on Fremont Street in Las Vegas.  I'll probably need to turn this feature off too but I'm going to wait awhile just to see what other tricks it has up its sleeves.   

A Little Auto Awesome Twinkle from Our Friends at Google
A Little Auto Awesome Twinkle from Our Friends at Google
