Day 26: 31 Days of Holiday Windows

O Solo Mio! #Bloomingdales NYC 2013
O Solo Mio! #Bloomingdales
Christmas is over for 2013 and the mad dash to the store for holiday returns -- and sales -- is now underway.  This holiday season winding down into New Years.  I am having a lazy morning at the hotel.  It's always nice to sleep in although these days sleeping in means waking up at 7:30/8:00 am as opposed to the 11:00 am (or later) sleeps of my youth.

There were only two appearances of Santa in the windows I visited this year -- at Lord & Taylor's and then at Bloomingdale's.  From the looks of my Facebook feed, this lack of prominence in New York City doesn't seem to have deterred him from making his holiday rounds on Christmas Eve.  He's back at the North Pole now -- until next year that is.

Naughty or Nice? Lord & Taylor #5thAvenueWindows NYC 2013
Naughty or Nice? #Lord&Taylor
