Day 25: 31 Days of Holiday Windows

'Tis the season for giving back and before we get to the holiday window of the day, I am hoping that you'll give to the charity of your choice.  There is so much need out in the world.  This year, I have been focusing on organizations that serve the homeless or feed others (Thanksgiving Day) and today's gifts were to Partnership for the Homeless and City-Meals-on-Wheels.

Every little bit helps.

Today's featured windows are from Zurich.  And, before you ask, no, I have not been to Switzerland in the last 24 hours.  The windows are from a campaign created by Pro Infirmis to draw attention to people with disabilities on International Day of Persons with Disabilities.  It would be a dream come true (That Place between Youth and Scattered Ashes) if just one of the store's on 5th avenue would do something similar for the next holiday season.

Because, after all, who is perfect?
